Tuesday 24 July 2007

Im baaaaaaaaaaaack

Just because everyone has been nagging and nagging me to make a blog I thought I'd give it a go.

So... I'll start by saying this summer is worse than a big pile of shit thats came out of a rhino's penis. I have been saying in my blog several times that I cant wait for the summer to begin. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!! I had so much plans for it ¬¬. As evidence of this I will show the list which i wrote a little while back of what I'm gonna do this summer.

Go camping
Go to the beach
Go to a foreign country
Get a job
Make an hour+ long film
Sleep over a friends house
Get drunk
Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P
Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!)
Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix)
Get some good GCSE results
Have outragously late conversations
Write a song about MattMan
Go to a party
Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah"
Dance whilst in traffic... again
Go Starbucking
Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours

Guess how many I did............ If you guessed only one you would be correct! The one I have completed is starbucks which is what I have done all the way through the year and it SUCKS TOO! The truth is that the lack of .....well... fun is because the weather has been so terrible! And now I just don't care that I'm wasting my summer anymore. There is nothing I can do about it. I have 4 weeks left of holidays at home and theres no way in hell I can finish this list or even do half!

Let's go down the list shall we and put a reason why I havnt done stuff... then write a list of what I have done :D

Go camping - The weather.

Go to the beach - The weather.

Go to a foreign country - I'm doing that in 2 weeks so no worries

Get a job - I have worked with my dad several times but I wouldnt say that was a job. This hasnt happened because I wanted freedom to do the things I wanted.

Make an hour+ long film - LOL! like that's going to happen XD. I should slap myself for being so naive. I have no plan for it. No script. No cast. Perhaps I will make a small little movie after I come back from Menorca because I feel I will have plenty of time to write stuff down.

Sleep over a friends house - This is a bit silly to think that I havn't done this yet. Fact is that no-one wants me to sleep over ^^... the truth hurts

Get drunk - Impossible without going caming because parents will suspect me.

Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P - Rofl... *wipes tears from eyes*... wow... I reaaaally am an idiot

Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!) - My friend had this crazy idea... but being that the summer has gone fast and he's not bothered and neither am I... it wont happen

Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix) - I've been having cramp for most of the times I have gone :P

Get some good GCSE results - Gotta wait a month...duh

Have outragously late conversations - I have been up late but not for conversations. Watching movies and playing on pc games.

Write a song about MattMan - Again..... *bangs head against desk*.... Idiot

Go to a party - None have been planned

Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah" - It's somehow been lost... :(... quite upsetting

Dance whilst in traffic... again - I'd rather stand in front of it ¬¬

Go Starbucking - Done

Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours - aaah well..havnt seen Joe in donkeys

Now the list of what I have done:

Gone to the cinema several times

Gone to Penllergaer

Sat on my ass for days on end

Bought world of warcraft and played it for a while...getting sorta bored of it now

Watched E3

Eventful eh? ;)
Well anyway with watching E3 it's hit me that I NEED to get an Xbox 360! The amount of top notch games that are coming out is unbelivable! Too bad my mum isn't willing to buy me one :(... but I'm saving money and my dad is willing to give me a fiver for each C and 10 pound for anything above that :D... pluss money from bank and a bit of scrubbing off my parents during holidays and everything should be fine

For now that's all I'm going to say ^^

Over and Out