Sunday 22 April 2007

Life XD

On Friday night I had an epiphany. All thanks to friends sticking up for me because people said I changed =P

The epiphany was that life is awesome because you only get to live you life for a certain ammount of years and you cant live life wondering how it's going to end or how people want you to live it. I am me because I choose not to be somebody else! Im living my own life not someone elses. With this epiphany I decided to live life to the full :D!! w000t!

That's pretty much my epiphany and will live my life on it. XD

I would like to mention Sam's effort to make me realise this for several months :P.


Media essay, Dt coursework, A girl ^^... and could that kid with the remote control car stop ramming it into bushes...CHRIST... stop it or I'll get the DVLA on your ass......yeah didnt think so¬¬

other things on my mind is.... Chicken McNuggets Yeaaaaaah =P.... also that im making a full length feature on Nightvision so it wont confuse people when they watch it :P

Also how many times have my parents done something to the garden =\... it's awesome the way it is! and putting chippings where the washing line is aint gonna make it easier for me to walk out there in my bare feet.

Well isnt life MAGIC!! XD

Well catch you guys later :)
Mattman over and out

Thursday 19 April 2007

Day one

Yo, It's Matt.

I seemed a good idea at the time to start one of these. =P

So.... whats happening atm with me?
I have 24 pieces of D.t coursework to be handed in on thursday :D
I am "banned" from the internet. As you can see my parents havn't succeeded in doing so.
I just cut my hair. It's okay..... not good..... but ok
I'm now doing my media essay on comparing two posters and discussing their narratives.
I have been offered a place at Gorseinon College =D
I have no credit on either phones.
I now have money (17 pound) to spend on this weekend but there are no plans for Friday or Saturday

It aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall good ^^

Oh and today I learnt a lot about communism. China saying it's fair but people want a democracy instead. When there is vote only 800 people can vote. Most of which are factory owners which are owned by the government. So yes you guessed it they chose (got bribed) to say yes. If any of that isn't true please notify me =P thanks

What else?..... None at this present moment

Matt The Ninja... Signing off