Friday 8 June 2007


Havnt posted for a bit so I thought "Yeah I havnt posted for a bit". Well I was thinking that.

So I'll get started by talking about what happened in Starbucks.

Well I had a Signature Hot Chocolate as usual... with Cream BABY and vanilla on top, Yummy. Rhi found it quite amusing how I was eating the cream with two sticks. Went looking for books for Lewis such as the funniest laws, something about gingers (the only thing I could find relating to Irish within a short amount of time) and another book which I can't quite remember.

So then Tom and I went onto the elevator and imagining if the flashing light beneath the buttons had a voice. "Can you stop scrathing your crotch". So the whole point of going downstairs was find a better book about the Irish. We found an Irish cooking book. Harmless enough, right? WRONG! The first page Tom turned to had guiness as a pie. We had a good laugh about it because of the stereotypical Irish love their drink. So we were going through and seeing that guinness was a main ingredient for almost everything. It should have been called "The *burp* guinness and what ya can wit it, Harty tarr".

Then later on we advanced towards Tesco. Once there we made our way towards the pop section. Sam pointed it out that people were hypnotically picking up lemonade. Anyone in that lane of drink picked it up. Fearing to be subjected of this some kind of mind control we escaped and split up so I could buy some crisps. Before that we noticed Becky with a chocolate tub of delight which to Sam said "Your not allowed to have any of it, Matt". I dismissed what he said and walked on to the checkout. Once leaving I was shocked to see that Tom, Sam and Becky were there with the tub. I can't say it had chocolate delight in it because THEY ATE IT ALL!! Upset with it and the pride that was beaming from Sams face I salvaged what was left then threw it at him.

Once hanging around for a bit outside Starbucks a group of child Chavs approached us. The hilarity of it all was due to the fact they didn't quite grasp what it was to be a Chav and just acted like a bunch of curious retarded chimps. An example of this is tomfoolery that makes them a chav is when an elderly man walked passed them and they seemed to follow him and take the piss out of his hat. Ok... lets reverse it and slow it down. The old man with a HAT walked passed and they decided to pick on him and following him for about a minute. Wait lets see that again in super slow motion. Yes it's been confirmed that the children have never seen a man with a hat on. Such, such sad lives they will lead. Another example of how stupid they were being was that the staff at Borders chased them out and then they went straight to behind Pizza Hut. Then they started shouting abuse once they were at a safe distance. Total nuttaz inni, fckin ell mun. So then they ran away after being so daring and heroic.

Well it was quite enjoyable going to Starbucks.

So Gcse's? Easier than you think they would be really if you revise a tad. Not much at all revision is needed. So my Mum I have to say went very much overboard about the whole revision thing. I have had 11 exams so far and I'm pleased with what I have done and I hope my results show that I did well. I got 4 left now which are:
Mathematics Paper 2
Media Studies
Welsh Language
Science Paper 2

I'll revise like 3 hours in bed the night before exams as usual. It's the only time I can really take in the information.

That's all I really want to write.

Till next time. Gooood bye!!


1 comment:

Lew said...

Dude.. blog a little :)

i wanna hear from mattman