Friday 1 June 2007


Hey its been a week since my last post.

So in this post I think I'll talk about stuff that happened in half term.

Well I'll count last friday as the beginning of Half term. On that day I was a tad annoyed with the fact I wasted half of it because I had no plans. But then there was Starbucks which I thought would cheer me up a treat. Sadly it didn't cheer me up at all, frankly it made me feel worse. I tried to keep myself busy by making a sword (being the ninja that I am) out of straws and wooden stirrers. I also tried to make a closed fist out of sugar as in a picture on a table, did not go to plan. So yeah starbucks was pretty shit for the rest of it all.

Nothing happened in the weekend.

Nothing happened on Monday except a phone call from my Dad about that I should take a break from studying blah blah blah. But tbh i would rather go revise than see him.

Onto Tuesday and I went camping with Lewis, The Bev, Ben, Jordan, Tom and Adam. Before I went I already knew that I'd be helping people out whilst they are drunk. At the start of it all I was in shock due to the fact we had to walk like 2 miles into a nature reserve thingy in Penllergaer to find the place we were camping. It was all quite funny having a chat with Tom about Lost, World of Warcraft and other sorts of stuff. We were sharing theories about Lost and what happens all quite exciting. And we were taking the piss out of flashbacks. Ahhh good times.
(Off the topic of what happened this week)

Holy crap.
It's very interesting getting into depth of the characters in Lost and it's brilliantly done. But I tell you when they are not needed is in Naruto (an Anime). They take up half the bloody episode! I'm starting to think that it was made for goldfish because they remind you of stuff that only happened a few seconds ago. It's too repetitive. Naruto gets totally pointless after he fights Sasuke. In one episode they try to find a bug to help find Sasuke by its scent. Its like one whole episode.... they fight... they almost die... they find the bug... Then Naruto farts and the bug is totally useless! I was so annoyed I just skipped onto Naruto Shippudden. I'm not kidding you when I say that they make a whole episode full flashbacks... IT HAPPENS! Crazy ¬¬.

55% flashbacks
5% Fight scenes
20% Fight build up
19% Pointless crap
1% The fricking plot!!

(Back onto topic of what happened this half term)

Whilst walking in the woods I found a power stick XD. Which I used till I got to where the place was. Ok if you don't know Ben. Ben overexagarates(?) a lot for example on the way there he said it would take us an hour or more to get there. It took us about 30 minutes or something. Then he showed me the width of a bridge to be about 15cm. When it was actually about a foot and a bit. Well anyway Tom and Adam only stayed for a little while because they were going to have a curry (lucky bastards). But of course they didn't leave without causing a bit of mischief. For example stealing Ben's food whilst he went somewhere, Adam threw rocks at Lewis and Ben (friendly rock-throwing), I know Jordan won't be reading this blog so I'll say that Tom stole Jordans vodka. Skillfully done I must say! It was in his pocket too XD. After Tom and Adam left that's when things got a bit silly. Like Jordan standing up and saying he was fine and then falling down hills... It was hilerious. Bev also took a tumble on the fire wood. The scariest moment was losing Bev. She just walked off somewhere and we were scared shitless. We went around the woods looking for her. Was mad. She sneekily walked back to camp. After that I was just taking care of them. That's all i really want to write about all that.

Nothing happened on Thursday.

Friday I went to starbucks again. It was mainly just a debate about the concspiracy abotu 9/11. Which there seemed no end to. The point I brought up got blasted out of the water by Tom. The number of points that were brought up are too many to type so I wont even bother. Other things that were discussed were gaming consoles and mainly technology.

The biggest thing of the lot that happened was that I counted the amount of Dvd's I have watched that were present in the Borders Feature film section. My friend, Gez, guessed on msn later that night that I watched about 30... pfft

I watched 328 dvds that were available in Borders. Yes... I am a Movie Freak :D

Well that's all folks.

Toodloo... Gonna make me some food at 2.00 am :P

Over and Out

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"That's all i really want to write about all that."

You molested them while they slept didn't you?

And you're more of a freak for actually counting than watching them. :P

Nice Blog.