Wednesday 23 May 2007


"The epiphany was that life is awesome because you only get to live you life for a certain ammount of years and you cant live life wondering how it's going to end or how people want you to live it. I am me because I choose not to be somebody else! Im living my own life not someone elses. With this epiphany I decided to live life to the full."

Ok the thing about this epiphany that sucks is that in your life when you want a relationship you can't allways make it work. For example the person of the other sex has to like you back in order for this relationship to start. Also that if your a nice guy and you single and your a teenager don't worry about it okay? At this moment most girls don't have a clue what they want. (im talking about my personal experiences and some colleagues) At this moment girls want the guys who have really good looks but they dont really have to treat them right etc. So I bet your wondering where do the cute nice guys come into it? It depends on the girl you have your eyes set on. Due to past experiences with assholes they will eventually want commitment and some guy to like but at the same time a best friend. Also to all you guys who have come from break ups it's just a lesson and don't worry about it you will eventually learn the lessons from these relationships. So chin up ok guys? Nice guys dont finish last it's just that sometimes the girl with the starting gun takes her time to start our race. And anyway you shouldn't really be bothered with girls because they do take up a lot of your time. From what I have heard from my friends they do take up a lot of time and can distract you from other things such as friends and work but I'm not saying it's all negatives. Even though sometimes I only see the negatives and sometimes think girls are satan and like to really confuse you about things. But the positives are that you gain a friend that you love and has jugs (BOOO YAAA dats what im talkin about *high 5*). Nah just kidding =P...

But I guess life isn't perfect its journey to try and obtain this perfection. Which can be seen as love, money but I dont think it's either. I think life is perfect because that's exactly what it is. Life is perfection. Its science at it's most brilliant. The posibilities are endless with this life we are given. And it's up to you how you use it. And love is when someone wants to share theirs with yours.

Gah... thats some beautiful S***... But so so true.
Wow I love writing deep thoughts and ideas :)

Well thats all for now!

MattMan Signing Off.

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