Monday 20 August 2007


I noticed that my last post was depressing, thanks to a little help from Jamie. Well Ok I know I was a bit pissy about summer but now I can say that it turned out to be fricking awesome. Lets go through the check list again and look at it with a bit more positivity.

Go camping DONE

Go to the beach DONE

Go to a foreign country DONE

Get a job DONE

Make an hour+ long film NOPE

Sleep over a friends house NOPE

Get drunk DONE

Meet a girl DONE

Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!) NOPE but I played footy, table tennis and golf

Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater fight NOPE but I played water polo

Get some good GCSE results N/A

Have outragously late conversations DONE

Write a song about MattMan NOPE

Go to a party NOPE

Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah" NOPE but I've planned two different projects

Dance whilst in traffic... again NOPE but I jumped off a moving train (at 10 mph)

Go Starbucking NOPE but I was all inclusive in Menorca which is better :P

Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours NOPE but he still reckons that having a gf is better than hot weather =P

So I went camping in Oxwich bay which is a beach and it's where I got drunk for the first time :D From then on I can't wait to get drunk but I'm still not keen on beer and cider.

I went to a foreign country which was Menorca (Spanish Island) and that is where I met a girl, went to the beach for a second time and was all inclusive which is as good as Starbucks really. In the first few days there I spent quite a lot of time planning ideas for filming. When I stayed in Cardiff for the night I came up with the music idea for "I'm Good" and then I came up with the idea of making a sequal for Nightvision but through a music video.

Also in Menorca I had 3 new nicknames which was pretty cool. One of them was Welshy2 because I was the second welshman in the group of friends (Original as fuck, right?). The next one was Matt Damon because apparently I look like him (sounds like a spent a holiday with some crackheads now). In Jason Bourne style (Matt Damon acts as Jason Bourne in the Bourne trilogy) I side stepped across the side of a moving train and jumped off it (this train went about 10 mph around the resort and I really needed a piss so I ran to the hotel, very heroic). The third and favourite nickname was Pidge as in short for pidgeon because at the Dinky bar, the local bar, they had this dance music on and it was too tempting not to move your head to it.

And you just to name the friends that I made here they are:

One from Wales
Nine from England
Three from Germany

A good mix :D

In Menorca I also met some wannabe chavs. First time we some them there was only 2 then they began to breed to about 10. It was unbelivable how big of a twat all of them looked because they were shooting BB guns, throwing stink bombs, grabbing their crotches and starting a whole heap of trouble. There was this one kid was was about 5 foot and said he was 14! It was crazy. But all of that was shadowed by the sheer enjoyment I got from the holiday.

I got injuries from this holiday too. I cut my knee on the asto turf by sliding which looked pretty bad but then it got a bit worse when I slid again the next day on the same knee and took the scab right off. So most probably I'll end up with a scar there. I had 4 blisters on my right foot and a cut on my ankle. I played bare foot on the astro turf which made me cut my left and right big toes. In saving a goal I sprayned my right wrist. That's about it. I won't bare you with more details the goings on in Menorca :P

Well I hope you enjoyed this post I'll probably write one for the GCSE results :)

Catch you guys and gals later,
Matt XD

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