Tuesday 18 September 2007

Hello =D

Hey I thought I'd blog about the end of summer and college.

I'd think I'd go ahead and say that this summer rocked pretty hard. But I think I ahve gone on and on abou the summer so I'll just talk about the filming, camping and getting results.

The filming first off turned out allright actually. Got quite a lot of good footage and some pretty awesome outakes :P. I havn't started editting the film because it's missing 2 key scenes and there is a scene which the guys did turned to be utter crap. It was the only scene I drew a storyboard for and they totally changed it! Other things that went wrong was seeing Lewis in the background. In a middle of a fighting scene and Lewis is there right in the middle just watching. Once I get the outakes and music video sorted I'll send you a link. I tell you what.. Ninja Studios wouldnt be the same without good ol' Lew. Me and Geraint went into his house for some xbox 360 controllers and when Lewis was distracted, me and geraint ran into his kitchen opening every cupboard. With all the doors open in there and rubbish on the kitchen table we pushed Lewis out the door and locked it so he couldn't go and clean up. Friggin' hilarious!

Next up is the camping trip :D The weather was pretty shoddy but we still loved it. It started off with diving off the dunes and getting bummed by Frampy ¬¬. The people at the camping trip were as followed Joel, Hayley, Bev, Sam and Frampy then Lew'n'Tom joined quite soon. After a while we started to get drinking and babbling out politics and history. (Party Animals XD) Then due to bad sausages I threw up.. It wasn't the drink! Though I did drink a lot that night but didn't feel as though I did. Then Tom and I engaged in intelligent conversation and went for a stroll down the beach to discuss life etc. and to dodge all the drunkards. Whilst on the stroll I noticed my feet felt as though I was kicking something. It turned out that there MILLIONS of bugs dancing around our feet... very scary. Then... THEN.. I saw the most disgusting sight I have ever seen in my whole life... And no Joe not my own reflection (Jackass)... It was a dead fish of some kind which looked like it was beating heart because of the bugs swarming around and inside it :|. So me and Tom thinking this was amazing about there being MILLIONS of bugs would be very shocking for anyone to see we would run for the guys and show them the "Bugs". Tom, my good sir, and I were disgusted by the reaction people gave is.. saying they saw it bought the T-shirt etc. THE GAAAAAAAAAYS! We all retreated towards Base camp where I told them a shocking story of the .............ICE CREAM BRICK!! Basically I revealed that there's a such things as a card box (you know, fish fingers get packed in them) filled with ICE CREAM.. shocking I know. My mum was relaying the story of her seeing this piece of crap a "Treat" after plowing (ploughing*?) fields. Im not going over the top.. Vanilla ice cream that tastes like card board... Why would you eat something like that! Plus the packaging makes it harder due to having to put a plastic bag over the box when you put it back. If you don't open the box perfectly your screwed!! because the ice cream will fall out and the paper on the edges becomes one with the ice cream.... ITS TERRIBLE!!! SO DAMN TERRIBLE!!! What happened to having a plastic tub of ice cream god damn it! That's all I want to say about camping n that.. so I'll carry onto..

GCSE Results:
English Literature

Welsh Literature
Welsh Language
English Language

Oh crap, I dont know how to turn bold off

My d.t teacher told me that I was 2 marks away from a C and that I should get my test re-marked but I thought meh why would I need it? And at first it said I failed Welsh Literature with a D but luckily I went to a teacher and said I wasnt happy and to see my test results and apparently one of the tests said I didn't turn up for it which was bullcrap so after much worrying I got my C XD.

Im really fecking annoyed at this bold now... GOD DAMN IT BOLD... ITALIC KICKS YOUR ASS!... see.. oh man.. its bold and italic.. Bollocks ¬¬
Im going now because Im so annoyed... And Gregg or Lewis is your reading this IM AT 11 !!!! ¬¬ MOTHERFARGIN' PIECE OF CRAP FONT
Well byeeeeee hope you enjoyed that :P.. hold on.. italic has gone
... OH WTF nah.. Im not playing you mind games, font. I said I was going to leave so I am okay !!!1!!!11!!!

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