Wednesday 23 May 2007


"The epiphany was that life is awesome because you only get to live you life for a certain ammount of years and you cant live life wondering how it's going to end or how people want you to live it. I am me because I choose not to be somebody else! Im living my own life not someone elses. With this epiphany I decided to live life to the full."

Ok the thing about this epiphany that sucks is that in your life when you want a relationship you can't allways make it work. For example the person of the other sex has to like you back in order for this relationship to start. Also that if your a nice guy and you single and your a teenager don't worry about it okay? At this moment most girls don't have a clue what they want. (im talking about my personal experiences and some colleagues) At this moment girls want the guys who have really good looks but they dont really have to treat them right etc. So I bet your wondering where do the cute nice guys come into it? It depends on the girl you have your eyes set on. Due to past experiences with assholes they will eventually want commitment and some guy to like but at the same time a best friend. Also to all you guys who have come from break ups it's just a lesson and don't worry about it you will eventually learn the lessons from these relationships. So chin up ok guys? Nice guys dont finish last it's just that sometimes the girl with the starting gun takes her time to start our race. And anyway you shouldn't really be bothered with girls because they do take up a lot of your time. From what I have heard from my friends they do take up a lot of time and can distract you from other things such as friends and work but I'm not saying it's all negatives. Even though sometimes I only see the negatives and sometimes think girls are satan and like to really confuse you about things. But the positives are that you gain a friend that you love and has jugs (BOOO YAAA dats what im talkin about *high 5*). Nah just kidding =P...

But I guess life isn't perfect its journey to try and obtain this perfection. Which can be seen as love, money but I dont think it's either. I think life is perfect because that's exactly what it is. Life is perfection. Its science at it's most brilliant. The posibilities are endless with this life we are given. And it's up to you how you use it. And love is when someone wants to share theirs with yours.

Gah... thats some beautiful S***... But so so true.
Wow I love writing deep thoughts and ideas :)

Well thats all for now!

MattMan Signing Off.

Part 2

You stayed tuned... nice one *high 5*

Well turns out the epiphany wasnt there, it was just false hope.

So all those emotions (most of them anyway) Well they did have a reason for being there.

I gotta do another metaphore on this because its just so much damn fun! And my friend asked me to do another on recent events so I shall.

Due to the fact in choosing a different film to base this on I shall just do a sequal to day after tommorrow... "The day after tommorrow after tommorrow" (i apoligise if i spelt tommorrow wrong)
Well ok when we left me in this library there were certain things happening which was. People leaving me and going outside, Lewis talking to me about the problem at hand and Sam (it was ironic, Joe!) who is still building a fire of books to burn. Well ok when I thought it was only one person who left me in the cold it was actually several. One was confused at the matter and just had to follow someone else. Another was one regretting to leave me and watch me struggle. Luckily enough a pack of wild wolves attacked them. Gutted I really am. Well when everything seemed to be ok an oil tanker arrived outside the library. What are the chances?! Well My friends and I searched for supplies such as food and a first aid kit to help me to recover from the injury I recently endured. We were then suprised to see those wolves that attacked those other people there. We got chased by them. But by some luck we found some AK-47's on board and delivered some serious slow motion kick ass moves to slay them. We were pretty lucky considering that the guns had engraved on them "Nice Guys Only". Later that day when we were all happily sitting by a fire the sun came out and everything was smashing. The End

That was one crap metaphore and hard to understand but I had to do it due to making it based on an actual film people might've gotten what the point of it all was =P... Im not sure myself what the hell I wrote all that for.

Well for all the people who had no idea what was going on, the moral of the story is that the irish are silly *high fives Tom and Lewis* and that nice guys kick ass exspecially (i spelt that wrong too) with AK-47's!

Now I will write a list of things to do in the Summer 2007:

Go camping
Go to the beach
Go to a foreign country
Get a job
Make an hour+ long film
Sleep over a friends house
Get drunk
Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P
Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!)
Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix)
Get some good GCSE results
Have outragously late conversations
Write a song about MattMan
Go to a party
Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah"
Dance whilst in traffic... again
Go Starbucking
Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours

(more will be added)

Oh!! I have something else to say...
My mum is going to put my tv and ps2 back into the study after exams =|... Oh Boy that's gonna be awesome!

Well that's all for now folks

MattMan signing off! XD

Monday 21 May 2007

The Metaphore *high 5*

Yo yo yo,

Yes I havnt posted for ages =P... lucky you

Well what's on my mind?
Lately things have been... Confusing to say the least
I think... THINK... it was brought on by exams
This past month I've felt:
All these emotions and behaviour seem normal (except for the paranoia) but it seems they have all been pushed to the extremes! I have no idea how fast it happened but it did. It was like that wave in Day after tommorrow... Everything was strange and different and then this big frickin wave comes in and destroys everything in its path but then I seek refuge in the libary. Not a good idea when your allergic to education. So then I went crazy inside this libary but once it got colder...extremly cold... So cold that people seemed to have changed and wanted to escape this libary and me. After these few people left me in the dark. There were two who stood by me to try and keep me warm. There was Lewis who decided to talk about the problem at hand and how we were supposed to get out of it. Then there was Sam who went running into the libary and made a fire of all the books there to keep me warm. (ironically in the film the guy who burns the books is actually called Sam) So I'm here left at a cross roads... That will decide my fate

Wow... never thought I'd make day after tommorrow a metaphore for my life atm =P

Since the last post I went to Rise against which was AMAZING!!
I watched Spider-man 3 which is pretty shoddy... I wouldv hated it if there was no action but there would probably be only 3 minutes of film left if there wasnt any... and that 3 minutes would be a music video of Parker walking down the street like a right ****! Sad that it has to end the trilogy.
I actually did some D.t work which I think I could pass with if I have a B in the test
I have started my GCSE's... I have finished my p.e GCSE... Now I can go RECYCLE (dont burn em) them.

Wow making this post has made me feel happy =D... Could this dark period be over? Has the epiphany come back!?!

Stay tuned.. dude XD


Wednesday 2 May 2007

Ghay parents

Hey there fans! a.k.a myself

Well its gone horribly wrong wanna know why? *loads of people reply no*

Well il tell ya!

Iv gotten kicked off my R.e course!
Im going to fail D.t... due to lack of coursework which i dont give a **** about
I'm now only allowed to do one thing per week... for example i was planning to see SpiderMan 3 but due to the fact I'm seeing Rise Against 2moro I'm not able to. Which means I have to plan watching the film on a later date ¬¬
I am feeling that D.t is taking over all my subjects. And because of this my revision hasnt even started and there is only about 2 and a half weeks till my first exam =[
The biggest new is..... *drum roll*
mother wants to get a job as a warden...meaning il have to move into a 2 bedroom flat with them and give up my house so people to rent it... which will make the mortage smaller... but that means for 2 years i have to move in with them... and they say im being selfish

Have they even considered the implications of this action? They don't care about my view at all. They also promised me I wasnt going to move around anymore. Then wtf is this?! (Bare in mind I have almost lived in a different house every year for my whole life... 14 houses)

My parents are C-R-A-Z-Y! They think that a conversation is an argument ¬¬

For example:
Mum: We're going to have food outside
Me: There's a breeze *points at towels on line going wild*
Dad: No it's not.... it's fresh air
Me: But.... *thinks about how he could say " fresh air is everywhere, duh ¬¬"... but just walks away*
(later on in meal)
Mum: Not exactly cold is it? *waits for an argument to start*
Matt: No it isnt *big patronising smile*

The good things are as follows:
The ... Ermm


That time when.... oh

Im getting nothing

Well hopefully my next blog will be a happier one XD

Well thats all for now

MattMan Signing Off