Wednesday 2 May 2007

Ghay parents

Hey there fans! a.k.a myself

Well its gone horribly wrong wanna know why? *loads of people reply no*

Well il tell ya!

Iv gotten kicked off my R.e course!
Im going to fail D.t... due to lack of coursework which i dont give a **** about
I'm now only allowed to do one thing per week... for example i was planning to see SpiderMan 3 but due to the fact I'm seeing Rise Against 2moro I'm not able to. Which means I have to plan watching the film on a later date ¬¬
I am feeling that D.t is taking over all my subjects. And because of this my revision hasnt even started and there is only about 2 and a half weeks till my first exam =[
The biggest new is..... *drum roll*
mother wants to get a job as a warden...meaning il have to move into a 2 bedroom flat with them and give up my house so people to rent it... which will make the mortage smaller... but that means for 2 years i have to move in with them... and they say im being selfish

Have they even considered the implications of this action? They don't care about my view at all. They also promised me I wasnt going to move around anymore. Then wtf is this?! (Bare in mind I have almost lived in a different house every year for my whole life... 14 houses)

My parents are C-R-A-Z-Y! They think that a conversation is an argument ¬¬

For example:
Mum: We're going to have food outside
Me: There's a breeze *points at towels on line going wild*
Dad: No it's not.... it's fresh air
Me: But.... *thinks about how he could say " fresh air is everywhere, duh ¬¬"... but just walks away*
(later on in meal)
Mum: Not exactly cold is it? *waits for an argument to start*
Matt: No it isnt *big patronising smile*

The good things are as follows:
The ... Ermm


That time when.... oh

Im getting nothing

Well hopefully my next blog will be a happier one XD

Well thats all for now

MattMan Signing Off

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