Wednesday 23 May 2007

Part 2

You stayed tuned... nice one *high 5*

Well turns out the epiphany wasnt there, it was just false hope.

So all those emotions (most of them anyway) Well they did have a reason for being there.

I gotta do another metaphore on this because its just so much damn fun! And my friend asked me to do another on recent events so I shall.

Due to the fact in choosing a different film to base this on I shall just do a sequal to day after tommorrow... "The day after tommorrow after tommorrow" (i apoligise if i spelt tommorrow wrong)
Well ok when we left me in this library there were certain things happening which was. People leaving me and going outside, Lewis talking to me about the problem at hand and Sam (it was ironic, Joe!) who is still building a fire of books to burn. Well ok when I thought it was only one person who left me in the cold it was actually several. One was confused at the matter and just had to follow someone else. Another was one regretting to leave me and watch me struggle. Luckily enough a pack of wild wolves attacked them. Gutted I really am. Well when everything seemed to be ok an oil tanker arrived outside the library. What are the chances?! Well My friends and I searched for supplies such as food and a first aid kit to help me to recover from the injury I recently endured. We were then suprised to see those wolves that attacked those other people there. We got chased by them. But by some luck we found some AK-47's on board and delivered some serious slow motion kick ass moves to slay them. We were pretty lucky considering that the guns had engraved on them "Nice Guys Only". Later that day when we were all happily sitting by a fire the sun came out and everything was smashing. The End

That was one crap metaphore and hard to understand but I had to do it due to making it based on an actual film people might've gotten what the point of it all was =P... Im not sure myself what the hell I wrote all that for.

Well for all the people who had no idea what was going on, the moral of the story is that the irish are silly *high fives Tom and Lewis* and that nice guys kick ass exspecially (i spelt that wrong too) with AK-47's!

Now I will write a list of things to do in the Summer 2007:

Go camping
Go to the beach
Go to a foreign country
Get a job
Make an hour+ long film
Sleep over a friends house
Get drunk
Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P
Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!)
Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix)
Get some good GCSE results
Have outragously late conversations
Write a song about MattMan
Go to a party
Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah"
Dance whilst in traffic... again
Go Starbucking
Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours

(more will be added)

Oh!! I have something else to say...
My mum is going to put my tv and ps2 back into the study after exams =|... Oh Boy that's gonna be awesome!

Well that's all for now folks

MattMan signing off! XD

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