Tuesday 18 September 2007

Hello =D

Hey I thought I'd blog about the end of summer and college.

I'd think I'd go ahead and say that this summer rocked pretty hard. But I think I ahve gone on and on abou the summer so I'll just talk about the filming, camping and getting results.

The filming first off turned out allright actually. Got quite a lot of good footage and some pretty awesome outakes :P. I havn't started editting the film because it's missing 2 key scenes and there is a scene which the guys did turned to be utter crap. It was the only scene I drew a storyboard for and they totally changed it! Other things that went wrong was seeing Lewis in the background. In a middle of a fighting scene and Lewis is there right in the middle just watching. Once I get the outakes and music video sorted I'll send you a link. I tell you what.. Ninja Studios wouldnt be the same without good ol' Lew. Me and Geraint went into his house for some xbox 360 controllers and when Lewis was distracted, me and geraint ran into his kitchen opening every cupboard. With all the doors open in there and rubbish on the kitchen table we pushed Lewis out the door and locked it so he couldn't go and clean up. Friggin' hilarious!

Next up is the camping trip :D The weather was pretty shoddy but we still loved it. It started off with diving off the dunes and getting bummed by Frampy ¬¬. The people at the camping trip were as followed Joel, Hayley, Bev, Sam and Frampy then Lew'n'Tom joined quite soon. After a while we started to get drinking and babbling out politics and history. (Party Animals XD) Then due to bad sausages I threw up.. It wasn't the drink! Though I did drink a lot that night but didn't feel as though I did. Then Tom and I engaged in intelligent conversation and went for a stroll down the beach to discuss life etc. and to dodge all the drunkards. Whilst on the stroll I noticed my feet felt as though I was kicking something. It turned out that there MILLIONS of bugs dancing around our feet... very scary. Then... THEN.. I saw the most disgusting sight I have ever seen in my whole life... And no Joe not my own reflection (Jackass)... It was a dead fish of some kind which looked like it was beating heart because of the bugs swarming around and inside it :|. So me and Tom thinking this was amazing about there being MILLIONS of bugs would be very shocking for anyone to see we would run for the guys and show them the "Bugs". Tom, my good sir, and I were disgusted by the reaction people gave is.. saying they saw it bought the T-shirt etc. THE GAAAAAAAAAYS! We all retreated towards Base camp where I told them a shocking story of the .............ICE CREAM BRICK!! Basically I revealed that there's a such things as a card box (you know, fish fingers get packed in them) filled with ICE CREAM.. shocking I know. My mum was relaying the story of her seeing this piece of crap a "Treat" after plowing (ploughing*?) fields. Im not going over the top.. Vanilla ice cream that tastes like card board... Why would you eat something like that! Plus the packaging makes it harder due to having to put a plastic bag over the box when you put it back. If you don't open the box perfectly your screwed!! because the ice cream will fall out and the paper on the edges becomes one with the ice cream.... ITS TERRIBLE!!! SO DAMN TERRIBLE!!! What happened to having a plastic tub of ice cream god damn it! That's all I want to say about camping n that.. so I'll carry onto..

GCSE Results:
English Literature

Welsh Literature
Welsh Language
English Language

Oh crap, I dont know how to turn bold off

My d.t teacher told me that I was 2 marks away from a C and that I should get my test re-marked but I thought meh why would I need it? And at first it said I failed Welsh Literature with a D but luckily I went to a teacher and said I wasnt happy and to see my test results and apparently one of the tests said I didn't turn up for it which was bullcrap so after much worrying I got my C XD.

Im really fecking annoyed at this bold now... GOD DAMN IT BOLD... ITALIC KICKS YOUR ASS!... see.. oh man.. its bold and italic.. Bollocks ¬¬
Im going now because Im so annoyed... And Gregg or Lewis is your reading this IM AT 11 !!!! ¬¬ MOTHERFARGIN' PIECE OF CRAP FONT
Well byeeeeee hope you enjoyed that :P.. hold on.. italic has gone
... OH WTF nah.. Im not playing you mind games, font. I said I was going to leave so I am okay !!!1!!!11!!!

Monday 20 August 2007


I noticed that my last post was depressing, thanks to a little help from Jamie. Well Ok I know I was a bit pissy about summer but now I can say that it turned out to be fricking awesome. Lets go through the check list again and look at it with a bit more positivity.

Go camping DONE

Go to the beach DONE

Go to a foreign country DONE

Get a job DONE

Make an hour+ long film NOPE

Sleep over a friends house NOPE

Get drunk DONE

Meet a girl DONE

Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!) NOPE but I played footy, table tennis and golf

Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater fight NOPE but I played water polo

Get some good GCSE results N/A

Have outragously late conversations DONE

Write a song about MattMan NOPE

Go to a party NOPE

Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah" NOPE but I've planned two different projects

Dance whilst in traffic... again NOPE but I jumped off a moving train (at 10 mph)

Go Starbucking NOPE but I was all inclusive in Menorca which is better :P

Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours NOPE but he still reckons that having a gf is better than hot weather =P

So I went camping in Oxwich bay which is a beach and it's where I got drunk for the first time :D From then on I can't wait to get drunk but I'm still not keen on beer and cider.

I went to a foreign country which was Menorca (Spanish Island) and that is where I met a girl, went to the beach for a second time and was all inclusive which is as good as Starbucks really. In the first few days there I spent quite a lot of time planning ideas for filming. When I stayed in Cardiff for the night I came up with the music idea for "I'm Good" and then I came up with the idea of making a sequal for Nightvision but through a music video.

Also in Menorca I had 3 new nicknames which was pretty cool. One of them was Welshy2 because I was the second welshman in the group of friends (Original as fuck, right?). The next one was Matt Damon because apparently I look like him (sounds like a spent a holiday with some crackheads now). In Jason Bourne style (Matt Damon acts as Jason Bourne in the Bourne trilogy) I side stepped across the side of a moving train and jumped off it (this train went about 10 mph around the resort and I really needed a piss so I ran to the hotel, very heroic). The third and favourite nickname was Pidge as in short for pidgeon because at the Dinky bar, the local bar, they had this dance music on and it was too tempting not to move your head to it.

And you just to name the friends that I made here they are:

One from Wales
Nine from England
Three from Germany

A good mix :D

In Menorca I also met some wannabe chavs. First time we some them there was only 2 then they began to breed to about 10. It was unbelivable how big of a twat all of them looked because they were shooting BB guns, throwing stink bombs, grabbing their crotches and starting a whole heap of trouble. There was this one kid was was about 5 foot and said he was 14! It was crazy. But all of that was shadowed by the sheer enjoyment I got from the holiday.

I got injuries from this holiday too. I cut my knee on the asto turf by sliding which looked pretty bad but then it got a bit worse when I slid again the next day on the same knee and took the scab right off. So most probably I'll end up with a scar there. I had 4 blisters on my right foot and a cut on my ankle. I played bare foot on the astro turf which made me cut my left and right big toes. In saving a goal I sprayned my right wrist. That's about it. I won't bare you with more details the goings on in Menorca :P

Well I hope you enjoyed this post I'll probably write one for the GCSE results :)

Catch you guys and gals later,
Matt XD

Tuesday 24 July 2007

Im baaaaaaaaaaaack

Just because everyone has been nagging and nagging me to make a blog I thought I'd give it a go.

So... I'll start by saying this summer is worse than a big pile of shit thats came out of a rhino's penis. I have been saying in my blog several times that I cant wait for the summer to begin. WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT!! I had so much plans for it ¬¬. As evidence of this I will show the list which i wrote a little while back of what I'm gonna do this summer.

Go camping
Go to the beach
Go to a foreign country
Get a job
Make an hour+ long film
Sleep over a friends house
Get drunk
Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P
Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!)
Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix)
Get some good GCSE results
Have outragously late conversations
Write a song about MattMan
Go to a party
Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah"
Dance whilst in traffic... again
Go Starbucking
Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours

Guess how many I did............ If you guessed only one you would be correct! The one I have completed is starbucks which is what I have done all the way through the year and it SUCKS TOO! The truth is that the lack of .....well... fun is because the weather has been so terrible! And now I just don't care that I'm wasting my summer anymore. There is nothing I can do about it. I have 4 weeks left of holidays at home and theres no way in hell I can finish this list or even do half!

Let's go down the list shall we and put a reason why I havnt done stuff... then write a list of what I have done :D

Go camping - The weather.

Go to the beach - The weather.

Go to a foreign country - I'm doing that in 2 weeks so no worries

Get a job - I have worked with my dad several times but I wouldnt say that was a job. This hasnt happened because I wanted freedom to do the things I wanted.

Make an hour+ long film - LOL! like that's going to happen XD. I should slap myself for being so naive. I have no plan for it. No script. No cast. Perhaps I will make a small little movie after I come back from Menorca because I feel I will have plenty of time to write stuff down.

Sleep over a friends house - This is a bit silly to think that I havn't done this yet. Fact is that no-one wants me to sleep over ^^... the truth hurts

Get drunk - Impossible without going caming because parents will suspect me.

Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P - Rofl... *wipes tears from eyes*... wow... I reaaaally am an idiot

Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!) - My friend had this crazy idea... but being that the summer has gone fast and he's not bothered and neither am I... it wont happen

Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix) - I've been having cramp for most of the times I have gone :P

Get some good GCSE results - Gotta wait a month...duh

Have outragously late conversations - I have been up late but not for conversations. Watching movies and playing on pc games.

Write a song about MattMan - Again..... *bangs head against desk*.... Idiot

Go to a party - None have been planned

Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah" - It's somehow been lost... :(... quite upsetting

Dance whilst in traffic... again - I'd rather stand in front of it ¬¬

Go Starbucking - Done

Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours - aaah well..havnt seen Joe in donkeys

Now the list of what I have done:

Gone to the cinema several times

Gone to Penllergaer

Sat on my ass for days on end

Bought world of warcraft and played it for a while...getting sorta bored of it now

Watched E3

Eventful eh? ;)
Well anyway with watching E3 it's hit me that I NEED to get an Xbox 360! The amount of top notch games that are coming out is unbelivable! Too bad my mum isn't willing to buy me one :(... but I'm saving money and my dad is willing to give me a fiver for each C and 10 pound for anything above that :D... pluss money from bank and a bit of scrubbing off my parents during holidays and everything should be fine

For now that's all I'm going to say ^^

Over and Out

Friday 8 June 2007


Havnt posted for a bit so I thought "Yeah I havnt posted for a bit". Well I was thinking that.

So I'll get started by talking about what happened in Starbucks.

Well I had a Signature Hot Chocolate as usual... with Cream BABY and vanilla on top, Yummy. Rhi found it quite amusing how I was eating the cream with two sticks. Went looking for books for Lewis such as the funniest laws, something about gingers (the only thing I could find relating to Irish within a short amount of time) and another book which I can't quite remember.

So then Tom and I went onto the elevator and imagining if the flashing light beneath the buttons had a voice. "Can you stop scrathing your crotch". So the whole point of going downstairs was find a better book about the Irish. We found an Irish cooking book. Harmless enough, right? WRONG! The first page Tom turned to had guiness as a pie. We had a good laugh about it because of the stereotypical Irish love their drink. So we were going through and seeing that guinness was a main ingredient for almost everything. It should have been called "The *burp* guinness and what ya can wit it, Harty tarr".

Then later on we advanced towards Tesco. Once there we made our way towards the pop section. Sam pointed it out that people were hypnotically picking up lemonade. Anyone in that lane of drink picked it up. Fearing to be subjected of this some kind of mind control we escaped and split up so I could buy some crisps. Before that we noticed Becky with a chocolate tub of delight which to Sam said "Your not allowed to have any of it, Matt". I dismissed what he said and walked on to the checkout. Once leaving I was shocked to see that Tom, Sam and Becky were there with the tub. I can't say it had chocolate delight in it because THEY ATE IT ALL!! Upset with it and the pride that was beaming from Sams face I salvaged what was left then threw it at him.

Once hanging around for a bit outside Starbucks a group of child Chavs approached us. The hilarity of it all was due to the fact they didn't quite grasp what it was to be a Chav and just acted like a bunch of curious retarded chimps. An example of this is tomfoolery that makes them a chav is when an elderly man walked passed them and they seemed to follow him and take the piss out of his hat. Ok... lets reverse it and slow it down. The old man with a HAT walked passed and they decided to pick on him and following him for about a minute. Wait lets see that again in super slow motion. Yes it's been confirmed that the children have never seen a man with a hat on. Such, such sad lives they will lead. Another example of how stupid they were being was that the staff at Borders chased them out and then they went straight to behind Pizza Hut. Then they started shouting abuse once they were at a safe distance. Total nuttaz inni, fckin ell mun. So then they ran away after being so daring and heroic.

Well it was quite enjoyable going to Starbucks.

So Gcse's? Easier than you think they would be really if you revise a tad. Not much at all revision is needed. So my Mum I have to say went very much overboard about the whole revision thing. I have had 11 exams so far and I'm pleased with what I have done and I hope my results show that I did well. I got 4 left now which are:
Mathematics Paper 2
Media Studies
Welsh Language
Science Paper 2

I'll revise like 3 hours in bed the night before exams as usual. It's the only time I can really take in the information.

That's all I really want to write.

Till next time. Gooood bye!!


Friday 1 June 2007


Hey its been a week since my last post.

So in this post I think I'll talk about stuff that happened in half term.

Well I'll count last friday as the beginning of Half term. On that day I was a tad annoyed with the fact I wasted half of it because I had no plans. But then there was Starbucks which I thought would cheer me up a treat. Sadly it didn't cheer me up at all, frankly it made me feel worse. I tried to keep myself busy by making a sword (being the ninja that I am) out of straws and wooden stirrers. I also tried to make a closed fist out of sugar as in a picture on a table, did not go to plan. So yeah starbucks was pretty shit for the rest of it all.

Nothing happened in the weekend.

Nothing happened on Monday except a phone call from my Dad about that I should take a break from studying blah blah blah. But tbh i would rather go revise than see him.

Onto Tuesday and I went camping with Lewis, The Bev, Ben, Jordan, Tom and Adam. Before I went I already knew that I'd be helping people out whilst they are drunk. At the start of it all I was in shock due to the fact we had to walk like 2 miles into a nature reserve thingy in Penllergaer to find the place we were camping. It was all quite funny having a chat with Tom about Lost, World of Warcraft and other sorts of stuff. We were sharing theories about Lost and what happens all quite exciting. And we were taking the piss out of flashbacks. Ahhh good times.
(Off the topic of what happened this week)

Holy crap.
It's very interesting getting into depth of the characters in Lost and it's brilliantly done. But I tell you when they are not needed is in Naruto (an Anime). They take up half the bloody episode! I'm starting to think that it was made for goldfish because they remind you of stuff that only happened a few seconds ago. It's too repetitive. Naruto gets totally pointless after he fights Sasuke. In one episode they try to find a bug to help find Sasuke by its scent. Its like one whole episode.... they fight... they almost die... they find the bug... Then Naruto farts and the bug is totally useless! I was so annoyed I just skipped onto Naruto Shippudden. I'm not kidding you when I say that they make a whole episode full flashbacks... IT HAPPENS! Crazy ¬¬.

55% flashbacks
5% Fight scenes
20% Fight build up
19% Pointless crap
1% The fricking plot!!

(Back onto topic of what happened this half term)

Whilst walking in the woods I found a power stick XD. Which I used till I got to where the place was. Ok if you don't know Ben. Ben overexagarates(?) a lot for example on the way there he said it would take us an hour or more to get there. It took us about 30 minutes or something. Then he showed me the width of a bridge to be about 15cm. When it was actually about a foot and a bit. Well anyway Tom and Adam only stayed for a little while because they were going to have a curry (lucky bastards). But of course they didn't leave without causing a bit of mischief. For example stealing Ben's food whilst he went somewhere, Adam threw rocks at Lewis and Ben (friendly rock-throwing), I know Jordan won't be reading this blog so I'll say that Tom stole Jordans vodka. Skillfully done I must say! It was in his pocket too XD. After Tom and Adam left that's when things got a bit silly. Like Jordan standing up and saying he was fine and then falling down hills... It was hilerious. Bev also took a tumble on the fire wood. The scariest moment was losing Bev. She just walked off somewhere and we were scared shitless. We went around the woods looking for her. Was mad. She sneekily walked back to camp. After that I was just taking care of them. That's all i really want to write about all that.

Nothing happened on Thursday.

Friday I went to starbucks again. It was mainly just a debate about the concspiracy abotu 9/11. Which there seemed no end to. The point I brought up got blasted out of the water by Tom. The number of points that were brought up are too many to type so I wont even bother. Other things that were discussed were gaming consoles and mainly technology.

The biggest thing of the lot that happened was that I counted the amount of Dvd's I have watched that were present in the Borders Feature film section. My friend, Gez, guessed on msn later that night that I watched about 30... pfft

I watched 328 dvds that were available in Borders. Yes... I am a Movie Freak :D

Well that's all folks.

Toodloo... Gonna make me some food at 2.00 am :P

Over and Out

Wednesday 23 May 2007


"The epiphany was that life is awesome because you only get to live you life for a certain ammount of years and you cant live life wondering how it's going to end or how people want you to live it. I am me because I choose not to be somebody else! Im living my own life not someone elses. With this epiphany I decided to live life to the full."

Ok the thing about this epiphany that sucks is that in your life when you want a relationship you can't allways make it work. For example the person of the other sex has to like you back in order for this relationship to start. Also that if your a nice guy and you single and your a teenager don't worry about it okay? At this moment most girls don't have a clue what they want. (im talking about my personal experiences and some colleagues) At this moment girls want the guys who have really good looks but they dont really have to treat them right etc. So I bet your wondering where do the cute nice guys come into it? It depends on the girl you have your eyes set on. Due to past experiences with assholes they will eventually want commitment and some guy to like but at the same time a best friend. Also to all you guys who have come from break ups it's just a lesson and don't worry about it you will eventually learn the lessons from these relationships. So chin up ok guys? Nice guys dont finish last it's just that sometimes the girl with the starting gun takes her time to start our race. And anyway you shouldn't really be bothered with girls because they do take up a lot of your time. From what I have heard from my friends they do take up a lot of time and can distract you from other things such as friends and work but I'm not saying it's all negatives. Even though sometimes I only see the negatives and sometimes think girls are satan and like to really confuse you about things. But the positives are that you gain a friend that you love and has jugs (BOOO YAAA dats what im talkin about *high 5*). Nah just kidding =P...

But I guess life isn't perfect its journey to try and obtain this perfection. Which can be seen as love, money but I dont think it's either. I think life is perfect because that's exactly what it is. Life is perfection. Its science at it's most brilliant. The posibilities are endless with this life we are given. And it's up to you how you use it. And love is when someone wants to share theirs with yours.

Gah... thats some beautiful S***... But so so true.
Wow I love writing deep thoughts and ideas :)

Well thats all for now!

MattMan Signing Off.

Part 2

You stayed tuned... nice one *high 5*

Well turns out the epiphany wasnt there, it was just false hope.

So all those emotions (most of them anyway) Well they did have a reason for being there.

I gotta do another metaphore on this because its just so much damn fun! And my friend asked me to do another on recent events so I shall.

Due to the fact in choosing a different film to base this on I shall just do a sequal to day after tommorrow... "The day after tommorrow after tommorrow" (i apoligise if i spelt tommorrow wrong)
Well ok when we left me in this library there were certain things happening which was. People leaving me and going outside, Lewis talking to me about the problem at hand and Sam (it was ironic, Joe!) who is still building a fire of books to burn. Well ok when I thought it was only one person who left me in the cold it was actually several. One was confused at the matter and just had to follow someone else. Another was one regretting to leave me and watch me struggle. Luckily enough a pack of wild wolves attacked them. Gutted I really am. Well when everything seemed to be ok an oil tanker arrived outside the library. What are the chances?! Well My friends and I searched for supplies such as food and a first aid kit to help me to recover from the injury I recently endured. We were then suprised to see those wolves that attacked those other people there. We got chased by them. But by some luck we found some AK-47's on board and delivered some serious slow motion kick ass moves to slay them. We were pretty lucky considering that the guns had engraved on them "Nice Guys Only". Later that day when we were all happily sitting by a fire the sun came out and everything was smashing. The End

That was one crap metaphore and hard to understand but I had to do it due to making it based on an actual film people might've gotten what the point of it all was =P... Im not sure myself what the hell I wrote all that for.

Well for all the people who had no idea what was going on, the moral of the story is that the irish are silly *high fives Tom and Lewis* and that nice guys kick ass exspecially (i spelt that wrong too) with AK-47's!

Now I will write a list of things to do in the Summer 2007:

Go camping
Go to the beach
Go to a foreign country
Get a job
Make an hour+ long film
Sleep over a friends house
Get drunk
Meet a girl that'll like me for me =P
Play badminton (NINJA STYLE!)
Go lifesaving and have an awesome underwater Ninja Fight (Its like bullet time in the matrix)
Get some good GCSE results
Have outragously late conversations
Write a song about MattMan
Go to a party
Do a music video for "Chicken McNuggets.. Yeaaaah"
Dance whilst in traffic... again
Go Starbucking
Have an argument with Joe for at least 3 hours

(more will be added)

Oh!! I have something else to say...
My mum is going to put my tv and ps2 back into the study after exams =|... Oh Boy that's gonna be awesome!

Well that's all for now folks

MattMan signing off! XD