Monday 21 May 2007

The Metaphore *high 5*

Yo yo yo,

Yes I havnt posted for ages =P... lucky you

Well what's on my mind?
Lately things have been... Confusing to say the least
I think... THINK... it was brought on by exams
This past month I've felt:
All these emotions and behaviour seem normal (except for the paranoia) but it seems they have all been pushed to the extremes! I have no idea how fast it happened but it did. It was like that wave in Day after tommorrow... Everything was strange and different and then this big frickin wave comes in and destroys everything in its path but then I seek refuge in the libary. Not a good idea when your allergic to education. So then I went crazy inside this libary but once it got colder...extremly cold... So cold that people seemed to have changed and wanted to escape this libary and me. After these few people left me in the dark. There were two who stood by me to try and keep me warm. There was Lewis who decided to talk about the problem at hand and how we were supposed to get out of it. Then there was Sam who went running into the libary and made a fire of all the books there to keep me warm. (ironically in the film the guy who burns the books is actually called Sam) So I'm here left at a cross roads... That will decide my fate

Wow... never thought I'd make day after tommorrow a metaphore for my life atm =P

Since the last post I went to Rise against which was AMAZING!!
I watched Spider-man 3 which is pretty shoddy... I wouldv hated it if there was no action but there would probably be only 3 minutes of film left if there wasnt any... and that 3 minutes would be a music video of Parker walking down the street like a right ****! Sad that it has to end the trilogy.
I actually did some D.t work which I think I could pass with if I have a B in the test
I have started my GCSE's... I have finished my p.e GCSE... Now I can go RECYCLE (dont burn em) them.

Wow making this post has made me feel happy =D... Could this dark period be over? Has the epiphany come back!?!

Stay tuned.. dude XD



Joe Frampton said...
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mattninja said...

What! Of course it was. It was irony i decided to have a a character called sam as sam but it was all a coincidence.. and could you stop dissagreeing with everything!

Unknown said...

Yeah, that's not irony. Listen to Joe. :)